Fresh & Tasty Bakery every day

Delicious Memories

Cras consequat lectus vestibulum tortor pulvinar, quis euismod nisl varius. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam quis sagittis nibh ac nulla id orci tempor convallis.

Welcome to Avada Bakery where you can taste unforgettable pastries

Integer a nibh vitae ex porttitor rutrum et ut velit. Etiam ac felis at leo feugiat placerat. Nam in quam lectus. Sed ac nulla id orci tempor convallis sed a velit. Nunc rhoncus, augue volutpat vestibulum facilisis, tortor nunc finibus turpis, sit amet elementum leo nulla sed erat.

[vc_row section_mode=”fluid” bgmode=”custom” bgimagebackgrouncolor=”#cceaee” bgposition=”bottom_center” bgrepeat=”stretch” bgattachment=”scroll” section_overlay=”no_overlay” custombgcolor=”#cceaee” video_opacity_overlay=”0.70″ padding=”large-padding” padding_top_value=”70″ shadow=”shadow-on” sectionoverlayopacity=”0.70″ padding_bottom_value=”70″][vc_column width=”1/1″][ig_special_heading heading_type=”3″ heading_color=”custom” heading_size=”custom” custom_heading_size=”20″ heading_style=”default” heading_align=”textaligncenter” padding_bottom_heading=”30″ animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”little_bounce” custom_heading_color=”#7d9148″]Canapés from 23Aubergine are beautifully crafted and can even be created to a unique theme. As you would expect, our canapés are superior in quality, made from local produce and bursting with flavour. We love to experiment with new ideas and enjoy being creative so let our canapés complement your event, special day or garden party. Without you lifting a finger.[/ig_special_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row section_mode=”fluid” bgmode=”customimagebg” bgimagebackgrouncolor=”#ffffff” bgposition=”center_center” bgrepeat=”repeat-x” bgattachment=”scroll” section_overlay=”no_overlay” sectionoveralycolor=”#ffffffff” sectionoverlayopacity=”0.70″ video_opacity_overlay=”0.70″ padding=”large-padding” padding_top_value=”70″ padding_bottom_value=”70″ shadow=”shadow-on” image=”1040″][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Bakery Stories from our Journal
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Avada Recipes Book

Integer a nibh vitae ex porttitor rutrum et ut velit. Etiam ac felis at leo feugiat placerat. Nam in quam lectus.


Decorating Masterclass

Integer a nibh vitae ex porttitor rutrum et ut velit. Etiam ac felis at leo feugiat placerat. Nam in quam lectus.

Fresh & Tasty Bakery every day

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“Love that these are made with real and organic ingredients, and my family loves them.”

Rachel Cooper, Founder